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What is a good price for safari?

Going on safari is an incredible experience that allows you to see majestic wildlife up close. However, safaris can be expensive, so you may be wondering – what is a good price? The cost of a safari depends on several factors:

What is a good price for safari?

Location and Safari Type

The country and specific national parks or game reserves you visit play a major role in determining price. Safaris in popular destinations like Kenya and South Africa generally cost more than those in Namibia or Zambia. Going on a luxury or private safari also increases costs compared to joining a group.

Length of Safari

How long you go on safari for is a key pricing factor. Short 2-3 day safaris are more affordable for budget travelers. However, going on safari for 1-2 weeks allows you to visit multiple parks/reserves and increases chances of epic sightings. Most first-timers aim for 6-8 day safaris.

Time of Year

Safari costs fluctuate by season, with peak tourist seasons around July-October (the migration) being more expensive. You’ll get lower prices in the off-season months of November-February when animal sightings can still be decent. Avoid traveling right after rainy seasons though, as wildlife disperses.

Accommodation & Food

Where you stay plays a major role, as luxury/boutique safari lodges can be very pricey. Opting for mid-range tented camps or budget lodges reduces costs. Choosing to self-drive safari and camping also saves money. Safari package meals vary greatly in quality and price.

Included Activities

The specific game drives, walking safaris, village visits etc included influence costs. Whether vehicles and gas are included makes a difference for self-drive safaris. Some cheap packages skimp on activities, so check what’s included.

Number of Travelers

The number of people in your group affects the per person price due to shared vehicle and accommodation costs. Solo travelers get hit with single room supplement charges. But larger groups 6-10+ can share costs for huge per person savings.

With all this in mind, a good per day price range for safaris is typically $200-$500 USD at the budget level, $500-$1000 USD for mid-range and $1000-$2000+ USD per day for high-end luxury. $500-$1000 per day allows an amazing safari for most visitors.

To ensure accurate pricing:

 Do your research: Compare multiple tour operator packages in detail

 Ask about hidden fees: Pay attention to excluded meals, taxes and surcharges

 Consider all real costs: Factor in tips, visa fees, pre/post accommodation etc.

 Confirm group size discounts: Understand price drops as group size rises

This provides realistic per person pricing. Monitoring fees closely aids trip planning without overspending. Yet cost-cutting too much risks missing key activities and epic wildlife encounters after long journeys. Allocating adequate safari funding ensures a rewarding, inspiring adventure in Africa’s incredible national parks!

Key Takeaway

For an incredible 6-8 day African safari adventure, a mid-range per person price between $500-$1000 USD per day offers the best experience and wildlife sightings for the money. Carefully comparing trip details and budgeting for all costs is key.


Planning an African dream safari involves weighing spectacular wildlife experiences against budget realities. While safari costs vary widely based on destination, length, lodging and activities, $500-$1000 per person per day covers mid-range and even luxury safaris for many visitors. Grouping sightseeing regionally, traveling in shoulder seasons, and optimizing group size can lower costs to $200-$500 budget levels. Yet the journey of a lifetime deserves investing adequate funding to avoid missing out. With mindful trip research and smart budgeting, incredible safari life-memories await!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the cheapest safari destination?
    Some of the most budget-friendly safari destinations include Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa during the off-season. You can find safaris there in the $200-$500 per day price range.
  2. What is the most expensive country for safari?
    Luxembourg ranked as the most expensive safari destination globally. However, high-end safaris in popular places like Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and South Africa during peak season can all cost $1,500+ per day especially with luxury lodging.
  3. Is it safe to go on self-drive safari?
    Self-drive safaris are safe if you stick to designated areas and roads, have a well-maintained 4X4 rental vehicle, stay alert and avoid driving at night. Having GPS and car repairs insurance is also highly recommended for comfort and safety.
  4. How much is a safari in Kenya?
    A mid-range 6-8 day Kenya safari costs $500-$1,000+ per day per person. Total costs for a week-long safari experience in Kenya often range from $4,000-$8,000 USD including lodging, food, transport, park fees and activities.
  5. What should I budget for tips on an African safari?
    It’s recommended to budget $15-$30 USD (or local currency equivalent) per traveler, per day for tips. This covers tips for safari guides, drivers, porters, cooks and other staff across lodges and camps.
  6. Which African country is the cheapest for safari?
    Affordable, budget-friendly safari destinations include Zambia with South Luangwa National Park; Namibia with Etosha National Park; Zimbabwe with Mana Pools; Botswana with Chobe National Park and South Africa’s Kruger National Park area.
  7. Is it cheaper to book safaris yourself or through a tour company?
    Booking through a reputable tour operator often costs about the same or less than booking yourself while offering local expertise and logistics help. However self-drive safaris give independence and control while cutting some costs.
  8. Can you see the Big 5 animals on any African safari?
    No, the Big 5 wildlife animals – lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards and rhinos – are only found in certain African countries and national parks. The best places to potentially see them all are Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Uganda.
  9. What is the best African country for a first safari?
    For their abundance of wildlife, good tourism infrastructure, safety, affordability and epic parks like the Serengeti and Kruger, Tanzania and South Africa make excellent destinations for first-time safari goers in Africa.
  10. What should you avoid on a African safari?
    Things to avoid include driving off-road in your vehicle, getting too close to wildlife, leaving your tour vehicle without a guide, wearing bright colors, making loud noises and chaotic movements, feeding animals human foods, and wandering from camps or lodges at night solo.
  11. How do I choose the best African safari itinerary?
    Consider what wildlife and sightings are a must, then research locations and seasonal timings to target this wildlife. Build your itinerary around optimal parks and reserves to see priority animals while balancing time, distance and budget.
  12. Is it better to fly or drive between safari locations?
    Flying allows you to maximize time seeing animals on actual safaris rather than spending multiple days self-driving. But self-driving lets you explore remote areas at your own pace. Both have pros and cons around flexibility, costs and logistics.
  13. When is the cheapest time for an African photo safari?
    The off-season after the rains from November-February when the landscape is green and rates are lower makes for an affordable photo safari. While wildlife density drops, you’ll avoid crowds and low seasonal rates apply.
  14. Is it safe for solo female travelers to go on safari in Africa?
    Absolutely, African countries like South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania are very safe destinations for solo female travelers. Taking safety precautions like booking with a reputable company helps ensure your African safari trip goes smoothly.
  15. Do I need vaccinations to go on safari in Africa?
    Yes, visiting a travel clinic to get health and safety vaccinations at least 6 weeks pre-travel for destinations like yellow fever, hep A/B, typhoid, meningitis, rabies and malaria tablets is highly recommended when planning an African safari adventure.
  16. Can kids enjoy an African wildlife safari or is the experience just for adults?
    Kids can absolutely enjoy incredible African safari adventures, especially in South Africa and Kenya where many family-friendly safari lodges exist offering specialized game drives, play areas and child care. Teens also love safaris.
  17. What is the best airline for flying to African safari destinations?
    South African Airways and Ethiopian Airlines offer the most comprehensive routes to safari destinations within Africa. KLM, Emirates, and British Airways also have good connectivity.
  18. How early should I book my African safari trip for the best experience?
    Aiming to book 6-8 months in advance ensures the widest options for securing your preferred safari tour operator, lodges and ideal travel dates. This also gives time to prepare with any needed vaccinations.
  19. What luxury amenities are offered on high-end safaris in Africa?
    Upscale safari lodges and tented camps offer 5-star amenities from lavish furnishings, private plunge pools and outdoor showers to creature comforts like premium tea/coffee, personalized butler service, private game drives, massage/spa treatments and haute cuisine dining.
  20. Is it safe to travel in Africa with the current pandemic?
    Having valid health insurance and following strict recommended WHO health safety protocols makes traveling in Africa quite safe even amidst global health concerns. Checking current entry and testing requirements is essential for smooth travels.

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